How to develop an innovative and holistic talent strategy

Talent strategy should drive your business strategy. 

Considerations for developing an effective talent attraction strategy

1. Recruitment technology

2. Channel approach

“Clearly in healthcare, there is a challenge across so many of our priority roles. When we look at the external pipeline, while it is challenged in most of the markets where we serve, we also recognize the opportunity that — what better way to develop a pipeline for the future than from our own workforce.”

Levi Lovercamp, Chief Workforce Planning Officer, Bon Secours Mercy Health

3. Channel partnerships

4. Employer branding

5. Mix of benefits

Leverage internal talent to create pipelines for hard-to-fill roles 

Building internal talent pipelines means connecting talent development investments with strategic skilling needs within the organization.

Identify gaps in skills or competencies required for future success

How to develop a talent retention strategy

Pay for today, growth for tomorrow

But pay is no longer enough to retain employees. They seek opportunity for growth and will quickly change jobs to find it. 

Recognize, celebrate, communicate 

Skilling employees for the future of work 

Top strategic benefits of upskilling and reskilling

Budget management for higher ROI

Opportunity Employers are at the cutting edge of talent strategy.

How Guild can help

This is just one piece of the puzzle.

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