Introducing the Opportunity Employer: A revolution in equitable talent development

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The broken system — and a new path forward

What is an Opportunity Employer?

Explainer video

Remove barriers today to thrive in the future

Talent is equally distributed, opportunity is not. See how Opportunity Employers are bridging the gap.

Opportunity Employers see the business impact of their investment in education, skilling, and the creation of highly visible career pathways.

What does this look like practically?

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HR blind spots: The 8 hidden barriers every employer needs to tackle 

1. Unintentionally inequitable programs

2. Financial barriers to entry 

“The real unlock came for us in 2019 when we opened up the fully funded tuition program. This was where we opened it up so that our employees could access business and technology degrees — and we further expanded it into culinary, hospitality, agriculture degrees — that allowed them to pursue that advanced education in a fully funded tuition model.”

Daniel Banks, Director of Global Benefits, Chipotle

3. Lack of cultural support and buy in

4. Lack of employee visibility into career growth opportunities

“When I think about talent mobility and the way we define it at Target, which is … providing access for people to take control of their career experiences and dream big and aspire to do more, it was really, really important that we did three things: Number one, we provided visibility to those opportunities. So making sure that every team member, no matter who you are, what function you sit in, has visibility to the roles that are available and how you could pursue them.

Kiera Fernandez, EVP and Chief Community Impact and Equity Officer, Target

5. Failure to see beyond gateway jobs

6. Employee occupational identity

7. Training for skills of yesterday vs. agile skills for tomorrow

Expert Perspective

The 2024 HR Landscape: The Problems Keeping CHROs Up at Night – and the Solutions

Johnny C. Taylor, Jr., President & CEO of SHRM, on how HR can respond to the tension between what's needed now and in the future.

8. Antiquated HR team structure

Expert perspective

An Actionable Internal Mobility Framework for Healthcare

Jeff Johnson, Director for Workforce Pipelines at Bon Secours Mercy Health, discusses the organization's innovative approach to internal mobility team structure.

The answer: The Opportunity Employer model

Opportunity Employers leading the way

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