Talent retention: strategies, best practices, and how to retain top talent

Understanding Talent Retention

Why talent retention matters for your 2024 workforce planning

67% of business leaders say retaining top talent is an urgent priority this year.

Guild Internal Data

1. Workplace culture

2. Cost savings

The virtuous flywheel of talent attraction, talent development, and talent retention. 

Developing Effective Talent Retention Strategies

How to develop a talent retention strategy

Pay for today, growth for tomorrow

Case Study

Charter Communication

Charter Communications biggest challenge is turnover, according to Beth Biggs, Charter’s Group Vice President, Benefits & ESC. At Guild’s recent Opportunity Summit, Biggs shared that “Among our frontline workers, we have the highest turnover within the first year of employment… we always say if we can get workers to the three-year mark, they’re here to stay.”
Retaining talent is critical to Charter’s business, as having enough skilled workers is imperative in achieving their ambitious goal of bringing broadband to millions of new customers… but in order to reach a geographically dispersed population Charter had to think differently. 
The answer? For Charter, it was a bold new way of packaging their benefits through Guild, offering 100% tuition-paid program options.
Why? Biggs shared that Charter employees are “not just looking for competitive pay or great benefits; they’re looking for career opportunities. They don’t just want a job, they want to know how you will help them grow.”

“They’re not just looking for competitive pay or great benefits; they’re looking for career opportunities. They don’t just want a job, they want to know how you will help them grow.”

Beth Biggs, Group Vice President, Benefits & ESC, Charter Communications

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