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Getting started guide: Prepare to build career mobility for your entire workforce

People stay when they’re free to grow.

Today’s employees want and expect opportunities to develop their skills and advance their careers with an employer who believes in them. Can your talent see that potential in your organization?

In this comprehensive guide, we share the fundamentals of implementing career mobility at scale and actionable tips to get started, including why career mobility outcomes are gaining urgency in talent development, common obstacles that prevent career mobility initiatives, how to build a strategic career mobility framework, how to map learning onto career pathways that lead to priority roles, and the right metrics to measure mobility outcomes.

If you want the workforce of the future, you’re going to have to build it.

Today’s job market is friendly to job-seekers. The US Chamber of Commerce recently observed that if every unemployed person found a job tomorrow, there would still be roughly 5 million positions left unfilled1.

That’s good news for the large population of employees who say they’re keeping an eye out for better opportunities. A study conducted by Guild’s research team showed that over a third of employees are taking proactive steps to cover rising costs of living, including2:

  • Looking for a new job

  • Moving to an area with more career growth

  • Considering education and training programs to improve job qualifications

Yet a recent Harvard Business Review survey showed that a stunning 53% of employers pointed back at their own employees when asked who is currently responsible for the upward mobility of low-wage workers3.

Employers of opportunity are employers of choice. And they have the metrics to prove it.

When companies invest in their people, their employees and their business both benefit.

  • Career mobility

    higher likelihood of internal mobility for Learning Marketplace learners compared to non-engaged employees.4

  • Better retention

    less likelihood of leaving their employer for Learning Marketplace learners relative to non-engaged employees.4

  • Talent evangelism

    of employees engaged with Guild’s Career Opportunity Platform are more likely to refer others to their employer.5


  1. U.S. Chamber of Commerce, America Works Data Center, accessed 30 March 2023

  2. Guild insights, 2023

  3. Harvard Business Review, Spotlight Series: How to Hang On to Your Frontline Workers, 2023

  4. Guild’s internal data over the last 12 months as of 01/01/2023 from employers who have provided the required data for at least 13 months post launch

  5. Guild Membership Research Survey, September 2019.